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Mckesson - From: 16-4t-225 To: 16-4t-625 - Stockinette Tubular 2 Inch X 25 Yard Cotton Nonsterile

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16-4T-225 - 16-4T-625
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16-4T-225 Stockinette Tubular McKesson 2 Inch X 25 Yard Cotton NonSterileRl/1
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16-4T-225 Stockinette Tubular McKesson 2 Inch X 25 Yard Cotton NonSterileCase/12
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16-4T-425 Stockinette Tubular McKesson 4 Inch X 25 Yard Cotton NonSterileRl/1
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16-4T-625 Stockinette Tubular McKesson 6 Inch X 25 Yard Cotton NonSterileRl/1
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16-4T-225 - 16-4T-625
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Products Details
16-4T-225 - 16-4T-625 McKesson McKesson Stockinette Tube
Customer Reviews
Customer Reviews
  1. Debbie
    Soft and comfortable
    I won't focus on how fast the company got this to me or how nicely it was packaged, which was great. I expect this. I will focus on the product itself. This is a soft, roll type gauze. Has some stretch to it. Perfect to bandage arms or legs. Not the standard rough gauze you see. Enough per roll to completely wrap a lower or complete leg 2 or 3 times. It is absorbent for wounds that weep. The wound is dry during bandage change. No redness from the area staying in a moist environment. Stays right where you put it without tons of tape. Because of it's stretch, there is the possibility of wrapping

    Posted on: | Date:

  2. ELLEN J.
    These are very soft on tender skin. I have permanent open wounds on my legs & have to change the dressings everyday. My skin takes a toll from it all. This gauze wrap is great. Soft against my skin. Only drawback is that they only come 4 ft long. 8 ft would be sooo much better for me. Thank you for a good product thats not killing me financially

    Posted on: | Date:

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Manufacturer Mckesson
Brand Medi-Pak
Code 16-4T-225 - 16-4T-625
Store Online Living Aids|Lay Off Pain|Wound Treatment
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Mckesson - From: 16-4t-225 To: 16-4t-625 - Stockinette Tubular 2 Inch X 25 Yard Cotton Nonsterile